

Wednesday 27 February 2013

How do you find the one thing that makes you happy?

Starting with what does not make you happy is a reasonable start. As an adolescent you will probably find yourself with things that make you unhappy or it is a considerable matter of opinion depending on the type of person you are. Knowing what makes you unhappy is also a good way of discovering yourself. It will probably bring up a lot of insecurities, meaning you have to dig deep within yourself to find yourself. Having to know what does not sit well with you as a person can help in revealing who you are.
Too know what makes you happy goes beyond having to wear a designer label, going to the best parties, partying up a storm, getting blazed by smoking weed. True happiness is the one place where you will find comfort when pieces of your life have crumbled. It is seen as the place you can escape and no one can take that away from you. It is a place where everything just feels light again, where you feel comfortable with your inner being and your soul is at ease. It is an essence where you are smiling from ear to ear. It is probably reasonable to compare happiness to a cold day where you snuggle up in your favorite blanket and drink a steamy semi-sweet cup of hot chocolate. In this sense that is happiness, finding a place in yourself that will always bring you joy, no matter the circumstances of a situation, the severity of a situation or any situation for that matter. Pure happiness is a healthy progressive aura that will always be a part of your life and that will bring you fulfilling happiness despite the time, place or day.
What makes you happy is probably an open-ended question but one thing is for sure it is when you feel most content with yourself. Happiness gets invented and reinvented on a daily basis and differs from person to person. But it does not stray from the fact that you are the real you when you are alone and within the walls of your own company. It is accepting the good and the bad about yourself and striving to only progress with the development of your inner being.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Reveal yourself behind the next person`s shadow!

Have you ever come across a situation where you have lived your life through someone else? Where you have been upstaged by someone else`s talent. Where your spotlight has been stolen. Where you did not let your bright star shine?

Well to be truly honest the only person that stood in your path was YOU!!! Well living your life through someone else is a fear of being yourself. Such a sad story, but who is to blame but nobody but  you. Everyone has their personal issue that is keeping them back from  being awesome. Whether it is fear of  rejection by your peers, a societal no-no, your own insecurities or maybe not loving yourself enough to allow others to love you. Whatever the situation is, you are responsible for all of the above. Considering rejection by your peers is seemingly not having the courage themselves too be true too who they are, thus not giving you the space or the opportunity to be yourself. In this regard it would be a matter of not wanting to stand out but rather to fit in. Honestly you are doing it to yourself. Rejection in its own package can break you, but in the end make you a stronger person than you will ever be. To a great extend we do live in a societal constructed  world, where society provides the basis on how to live life and what is or is not acceptable. In this regard you are defining yourself according to someone else`s norms and  values, thus not allowing to discover the real you. Therefore you are not risking to bend or break the “societal norms” too put  yourself on a personal path of growth. Thus you are your only limiting factor.

There is an old saying that goes “Be yourself is the worst advice you can give to some people”. So what you are weird, random and sometimes stupid, at least you are being true to yourself. To me being yourself is the best advice you could give anyone. Staying true to you is the best way of still staying sane to humanity. How could one expect others to love, respect and accept you as a person if you do not love, respect and accept yourself? Love, respect and accept yourself enough to allow others to accept you.

Monday 14 May 2012

Question your actions!

Question your actions!
Living in a fast moving world, where everything is being done hush-hush, you tend do everything so fast you never stop and ask yourself”is what I am doing right”?
Days, months, years goes by where things are being done fast you never tend to look back and question your actions. I mean seriously who can blame you? If brushing your teeth takes less than two minutes, showering less than ten minutes, finishing a ten page essay five minutes before it has to be handed in, who needs time to think things through or make sure it is being done correctly and diligently? Well that is the problem.
Sometimes one is so busy finishing everything that you forget about the process of doing it. Doing things without questioning yourself might not affect you directly but hurt the people around you. Reality check, these things do catch up with you and you end up getting hurt the most. Being realistic, in the heat of the moment anything can be done or said that would hurt an individual. That is the basic human impulsive act, but does it need to be this way? But hey, who am I to judge? Attacking people causes enormous damage to you as a person and the victim in the situation. Inevitably, words are sharper than army Swiss knifes. It is true, saying things to hurt people makes you feel good about yourself for stingy ten minutes. Omg! That is the best ten minutes of your entire life, because you achieved something, you defeated someone, you finally got it right to demolish and degrade someone. But what happens after your ten minutes of shine? What happens after your so called “victory”? Do you still crown yourself as putting up the best show your friends have ever seen?
Let`s be honest, you feel so shit about yourself not even holy water can wash away what you are feeling at that stage. The blatant truth, you did do or say something that hurt the victim but then again you end up feeling the bruises in your soul. In some cases those bruises become evident in your daily life. At some stage you end up rejecting yourself, who knows. Either way, your own actions caused your own heartache. Not even rehab can rehabilitate your inner hurt.
Controlling yourself in a situation where you are being verbally or physically attacked is difficult. Too be disciplined, calm and collected when humiliation is staring you in the face is the most difficult self-restraining act ever. Oh goodness! It takes a shit load of guts. But questioning yourself and your actions is “slightly” easier. Ten seconds to question yourself is all it takes to save you from traumatizing heartache. Ask yourself: Is my actions fair towards me and the individual beside me? Is it worth the energy, planning and effort? Will I be able to carry the consequences? Am I “morally” right? Whom am I trying to spite? Who will end up getting hurt the most? These questions are applicable to different individuals, in different ways. I guess the moral of the story is; take time in life to question your actions and yourself.

Monday 23 May 2011

we will never reveal ourselves.

We are all walking around with masks, period!

The human nature is such a powerful source, that it can be revamped, reorginized, covered and changed in many possible ways. Each human being walks around with a mask. The human will make people see what he or she wants them to see. It can be seen as a way of creating a fake identity of yourself believing it, living it out in any possible ways and thus being ingrained in it, that it is hard for you to distinguish between the identity you created and yourselve as a person.

The beautiful thing about creating an identity is that it enables you to make an identity that will satisfy your way of doing things. You have the power to influance anyone with what you want people to believe about you. In this regard you have the power to influance anyone and any sitiation with the fake identity.

The identity you have created question`s everything about yourselve. What your lifestyle is, what your  true identity is and who you are as a whole. The identity one created for him- or herself can be described to the fact that so many people have identity crisises at some point. At a tender age is a identity crisis normal, but once one loses track of who you are it becomes scary.

If one is afraid of showing your true colors it is okey to fake up an identity to make up for your horrible identity you may have. Atleast at this point you are doing it for the goodwill of your own and the people you are surrounded with. Either way, we will never reveal ourselves because it is always  better to live on the safe side and protect ourselves from any sort of disfunctional treatment by society than to risk it all and live with inner peace.

Thursday 19 May 2011

weird people seeking obvious.

It is amazing how the most oddest person can capture  your attention even if it is just for a split second, well for others more than a second.

An incident this week made me realise that we all are attention seekers. We all have our own way of showing to the world we are alive, doing our thing and no one can take anything away from me. The most explicit person are the most obvious attention seekers. Uncontiously they will do things that would draw attention to them. For instanse, they will always make a showdown of everything that may come their way. They are seen as wild, loud, an extrovert but surely a likable figure among people. In this sense they are always noticed.

The word introvert was differently defined to me during the past few days. There are these quiet personalities spooking around. They never seem to breath a word, but certainly they have a weird way of drawing attention to themselves. It made me realise that we all want attention even if you have to resort too drastic measures. Everyone wants to be noticed, heard or talked about even if you have to compromise yourselve in order to gain it.

That being said, is simply low and very pathetic. Attention is not seeked but given. Everyone has a strong side that is envyed by someone. Weirdly enough it is usually your strong side that you doubt the most. Expose your strength and attention will be given. God made us to stand out from all the rest, so use your God-given strength to gain the attention you whole- heartedly seek and use it too your own advantage.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Its total crap!

Does love really seem like a hypotheses?

What is the meaning of it anyway? How desparate do you need to be to feel it, open yourself up to it and expose your true nature to it?
One fact remains forever it is something beautiful, something that makes you smile when you wake up, a feeling that makes you want to live, a nature of undescribable pleasure and adventure. Love is a simple meaning that carries the weight of many emotions, actions and thoughts.

In trying out for love is not something that you try to do, but its a nature of the humankind. It is a feeling you get a long the way when you are hanging out with friends, caught of gaurd in your wildest moments or just a long intense stare across the dancefloor. Despite the situation you find yourself in, it is definitely not something that you planned for.

However you come accross the incident of love it is sometimes missread in so many ways. Ways that can make you feel like an idiot, a stalker that fell inlove with a simple flirt because it was confused with an hidden agenda.

To prevent such shit from happening is simple. Do not read into things so much. Accept the circumstances as they are. It prevents you from getting hurt right? Or you could get your ass burned for even trying to hard. Take things lightly at first sight, for all you know there might be an underlying dark cloud among those bundles of smiles.

If acting in love, fuck do it right! Get to the point and stop all the admin work, it just wastes time. Otherwise prevention is better than cure.........Do not lead someone on or fell for someone that made an ass out of you.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Friendship...fake and maybe for keeps.

In this bitchy world of today do you really have true friends?

It is such a cleche.....friendship is based on honesty, trust and acceptance. Does those factors really take place in the modern era? As for honesty I personally have been backstabbed so many times its not even funny. As far as I can remember my trust was betrayed and that made me build a cage around myself. but than again im slowly but surely out growing that cage, because it keeps you from exploring yourself and letting people into your heart and life. Trust is the core of any relationship and letting someone into your heart is a personal risk.

Honesty is so nasty. Being truely honest and open is sometimes shocking and devastating. Everyone has their own personal issues their struggling with and being honest about anything and everything entails alot of will power. One always consider your friends reaction to the action, the judgement calls, your relationship with your friend and many other critial limitations you set for yourself. So now you ask yourself is it worth being honest about something, despite the fact that you might loose your friend? Honestly, yes if one is not truely upfront and honest the friendship will be based on a lie as you are building up a wall of lies to your friend. Being dishonest keeps your friend from exploring you as a person, as you do not submit to what is bothering you or you may find a problem with.

Honesty can sometimes be directly linked to acceptance. One must accept each other no matter what. Okey so we all have a criteria, standards and certain expactations as to how are friends should be. But are we creating an avatar or are we simply out of touch with reality? We live in a diverse world....people from different social, political, economical and educational backrounds. It is sometimes highly unlikely that we will find someone that will measure up to our own standards, well only we who set the standards can do it. We are all unique individuals, we simply have to ambrace it, otherwise living in extreme hate will be our calling.

Having A TRUE FRIEND is like searching for a scarce beautiful flower. If you find it, hold onto it cause you may never find it again, but for now enjoy, embrace and accept the once you hav now. You may be surprised in what you discover in the once you have.